Kalpana, Breeding of superior races of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. The heat convector is connected to a thermostat to regulate the temperature. Chawki worms should be fed with succulent mulberry leaves rich in nutrients and moisture content viz., water content (80%), protein (27%) and carbohydrates (11%). of Assam, North Eastern Region Textile Promotion Scheme(NERTPS). ABSTRACT: Rearing of young age silkworms up to II moult is called chawki rearing, which usually last up to 8 days. From hatching to its full-grown stage, the silkworms pass through five instars and the worms up to stage three are called young age worms or Chawki. Listing the By-Product Utilisation and Rearing of Non mulberry silk worms. dioxide and 0.1 % ammonia, in the air in rearing room. The silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) is a monophagous and highly domesticated insect. Usually pre-seed and seed crops encounter adverse climatic condition … On the other hand, growth of chawki mulberry plants should be monitored in such a way as to reduce the coarseness and rate of maturation of mulberry leaf thereby avoiding wastage of the biomass produced from such mulberry gardens. Chawki Rearing Centres (CRCs) act as backbone of silkworm rearing activity. 20. Higher cocoon yield of good quality at reduced production cost. Hence, production of succulent and nutritious leaf attains greater significance in establishment of the CRCs. A gap of about 3� is left between the inner and outer wall, which is filled with loose and clean sand. At the time of brushing, the mulberry leaf is cut to fine ribbons and sprinkled over the hatched worms to facilitate easy transfer of larvae from the egg sheet to the bed. JAMMU, FEBRUARY 08: The Sericulture Development Department today held interactive sessions with the silkworm rearers at Larh, Chanunta and Barta areas of Udhampur district. Conditions of mulberry growth, yield of mulberry leaf, quality of mulberry leaves and time of availability. Provide 3 feet verandah surrounding the rearing house. Total 32 crops were taken in a year @ 5000 dfls (Disease free laying) per batch and total 1,60,000 dfls were Commercial Chawki Rearing Centres Cover rearing method: During the first two instars, the rearing bed of young larvae is covered with polythene sheets both at the bottom and top with four sides wrapped. If cleaning nets are not available, the topmost layer with worms must be taken with a feather. The most common methods are box and stand rearing. 16. It is observed that when chawki is raised in such isolation chambers there is an increased larval and cocoon weight with better survival rate and therefore higher yields. Usually in cool hours (morning and evening) leaf harvest has to be done. BIVOLTINE SILK WORM REARING. Rearing tray: Standard wooden chawki tray (box) of 3� x 4� x 2.5� size, 14 trays are required per chamber. Among these four stages, larval stage is the only feeding and active stage. Eggs are incubated up to head pigmentation stage and transferred to a black box. Khursheed ahmad wani and silk fabrics. Details of the completed and ongoing projects can be obtained. The silkworm rearing can be of 3 types i.e. well, generally the silkworms pass through 5 developing phases (Instars) from their hatching to the full-developed stage. 18. As a result of this the bed life of leaf is better which enhance the leaf utilization efficiency as reflected by the increased chawki larval weight. Provide 3 feet verandah surrounding the rearing house. Maintenance of temperature of 27– 28 °C and relative humidity of 80–90 % are ideal of Assam. 3. a) Explain the methods of Eri silkworm rearing. The cover is clipped and kept in the rearing tray surrounded with wet foam pad and covered with aparaffin paper. Muga silk worm is multivoltine and 5-6 crops are raised in a year out of which two commercial crops (Jethua: May- June and katia: October- November), two pre-seed crops (Jarua: December- January and Aherua: June- July) and two seed crops (Chotua: February- March and Bhodia: July- August. Chawki rearing with SeriNutrid also means hygienic rearing, avoiding loss of crop due to Production of chawki rearing in malaysia; and its distribution around 150k in news analysis on the silk-worms. The quality of leaf used for young worms is of greater relevance in view of the influence of chawki rearing on the late age silkworms and ultimately the success of cocoon crop. Following the 1st base cut and 3 leaf harvests, at an interval of 15 days, 1st middle pruning at 60 cm above the ground has to be done. One year chawki rearing were conducted with the interval of 10 days . (vii) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of shoot feeding floor rearing in Silkworm. All ventilators should be fully opened, half an hour before feeding to facilitate the bed drying, so also during moulting to reduce humidity and to keep the bed dry. Spacing: 6 - 54 sq.ft./100 dfls 5 5. a) Describe black boxing. Chawki rearing. Chawki Rearing in Silkworm Rearing What is Chawki rearing? Care is followed upto 3rd instar. Brushing can be done by various ways:. Loose eggs should be incubated in frames made up of 2cm thick plastic or wood. Provide sufficient windows and ventilators for free circulation of air inside the rearing house. 5 5. a) Describe black boxing. The outer frame is 36 x 24 cm and the bottom inner frame is 32 x 20 cm and fits perfectly in the outer frame. In addition to cocoon yield, farmer will be free from rearing activities for about 10 Days. Young Age Silkworm Rearing House The Young age silkworm rearing houses are often called as Chawki Rearing Centre (CRC). The leaves are nutritious with about 76-78% leaf-water content, 24-25% soluble proteins and 9-12% soluble sugars which are very crucial for the healthy growth of the young silkworms. Adequate care in terms of temperature, relative humidity and hygienic conditions should be provided to young silkworms for their good and healthy growth. Remove the polythene during moult period. Make the bed after about 30 minutes, give feeding with cut leaf of 0.5x 0.5. Silkworm layings have to be transported in egg carrying boxes, during cooler hours of the day from the grainages to the place of rearing. Effects of sinusoidal magnetic fields on chawki silkworm rearing have been studied. The technology develops co-operations among farmers. Rearing of silkworm on SeriNutrid Semi-synthetic diet) containing balanced nutrition, during the chawki stage ensures a successful and economically viable cocoon crop. Adequate irrigation and recommended inputs must be ensured. Newly hatched larvae are carefully transferred on chopped succulent mulberry leaves. Black boxing technique is subjecting the developing eggs to a totally dark condition, to synchronize the circadian rhythm of the silkworms. The advantage of this package is, other than obtaining suitable leaf for chawki rearing, chawki leaf can be produced throughout the year continuously coinciding with the brushing programmes. Gravelly and coarse sandy soils and soils with shallow top soil are not suitable. The improved bivoltine hybrids namely, CSR2 x CSR4 and double hybrid (Krishnaraja) are recommended under IVLP. Worms should be transported to the rearers house during morning hours and fed immediately with fresh leaves. 5 4. a) Draw a plan of Chawki rearing house for 5000 dfls/crop of silkworm. Early age rearing/ Chawki rearing The life cycle of silkworm consists of egg, larva, pupa (cocoon) and adult stages. Week - VIII . Rearing houses are constructed usually with brickwalls and tiled roofing. 19. Find information about Projects. These houses should have proper ventilation and should be partitioned into four separate rooms of which two rooms are used for rearing chawki and adult worms separately and the remaining for raising cocoons. Explain harvesting, transportation and preservation of mulberry leaves for chawki "rearing. NL Correspondent Jammu, Feb 08 The Sericulture Development Department today held interactive sessions with the silkworm rearers at Larh, Chanunta and Barta areas of Udhampur district. During incubation period care should be taken to preserve the layings in a disease free environment, with high relative humidity of more than 80% and temperature of 24-25� C. The embryo inside the eggs grows healthly utilizing the reserved food materials in the yolk and prepares to hatch on the 10th day of egg laying. Rearing Process of Silkworm: Step # 2. It has been estimated that 1.5 to 2 acre inches of water per irrigation is required. To maintain proper microclimate for Chawki rearing as well as to avoid frequent feedings, different methods of Chawki rearing is in practice. In dry season, sprinkle water over leaves and preserve them under wet gunny cloth. Chawki means the first two stages of silkworm rearing. Chawki rearing leads to a prospective cocoon crop. The various stages involved in chawki rearing are indicated below: B. Adequate care in terms of temperature, relative humidity and hygienic conditions should be provided to young silkworms for their good and healthy growth. These cost were . Silkworm rearing involves the following steps: 1. Marketing of cocoons can also be linked through CRCs. Keep both the lower ventilators open when the heater is not used. However, cooperative chawki rearing have the following advantages over existing technology. As they are susceptible to infections and vulnerable to adverse weather conditions, special care is required for rearing of chawki. Maintenance of absolute hygienic conditions. Brush the larvae. Construct rearing house of 50 feet x 20 feet x10 feet size on an elevated and shady place to accommodate 200-250 dfls. The polythene sheet should be transparent. For rearing chawki worms experienced persons are needed. Ensure good aeration and dry conditions in rearing bed during moult. Studying the Post Cocoon Technology. The size of the leaf fed should be 1.5 sq.cm. High Humid season: Open type of Shelf Rearing. It is observed that humidity is always on the higher and uniform in the chamber as compared to outside. In sericulturally advanced countries, young age larvae are supplied to the farmers by Silkworm Seed Production Centres through well organized co-operative Commercial “Young Silkworm Rearing Centres” or “Chawki Rearing Centres”. Fixation of rate for chawki worms; Harvesting and transport of cocoons. Studying the Post Cocoon Technology. Stand rearing: Stand rearing is done when optimum temperature and more rearing humidity are available in the rearing room. Leaves – It was selected and feed on the 3 rd or 4 th from the top leaves, next 6 th to 7 th leaves are used to rear the young age worms, size of leaves must be chopped to 0.5 sq.cm to 1 sq.cm. In this method more rearing space is needed. Newly hatched larvae are carefully transferred on chopped succulent mulberry leaves. From the glossy leaf, about 3 leaves during the 1st (1-3) and about 3 leaves (4-6) during 2nd instar can be harvested. Whole life cycle spans through 45-55 days with 10-12 days of egg stage, 25-30 days of larval stage, 2-3 cocoon spinning days, 5-7 days as pupal duration and 4-5 days in adult stage. Feeding/Nutrient requirement for chawki rearing: Bed cleaning: Only two cleanings are recommended during second stage and no cleaning in first stage. In this process, the silkworms up to the second stage (stage 2) are called Chawki or young age worms. The silkworm rearing programme in a farm is determined by the following considerations. Week - VIII. Muga silk worm is multivoltine and 5-6 crops are raised in a year out of which two commercial crops (Jethua: May- June and katia: October- November), two pre-seed crops (Jarua: December- January and Aherua: June- July) and two seed crops (Chotua: February- March and Bhodia: July- August. If the chawki worms are not reared properly, the later stages will result in crop losses. The quality of these chawki worms is the crux of successful silkworm rearing. Farmers are however, adopting methodology depending upon availability of space, infrastructure what they have and can afford as per their economic condition. About 120 days old saplings can be used for planting. labour for silkworm rearing, Chawki/DFLs cost, materials . Here worms are reared upto third moult and distributed to the rearers for late age rearing. Throughout its rearing period, it has to be looked after carefully and nourished with good quality mulberry leaves. A good chawki is the key for a successful crop. Through pilot survey, 30 constraints were identified and they were ranked based on Garrett score. The climatic conditions prevailing in different parts of Karnataka state are found suitable for raising chawki mulberry gardens. Director Sericulture Gulzar Ahmad Shabnum, District Sericulture Officer Udhampur Subash Chander Gupta, Sericulture … This ensures uniform synchronized hatching of eggs. Expose layings from black box to light around 7AM. in first stage and increased to 3 sq.cm. Construction details of a model isolation chamber for a unit of 300 dfls upto 2nd moult is as follows: Door: Single door of 5.5� x 4� with a glass window of 6� x 9� in the centre of the door, at a height of 4.5� to 5� from the floor for installation of wet and dry bulb thermometer from inside the chamber. Prevention of crop loss and stabilization of cocoon crop. The size of the bed for 25 dfls should be 25 sq.cm. Disease-free layings were reared from hatching to cocooning and by subjecting first and second instar to three magnetic field frequencies: … Despite the fact, there were hardly any CRCs operating in Mysore district until 2006. 16 8 day larvae of silk, 2012. The cardinal point is shoot tips should not be removed during any leaf harvest. (1) Tray rearing, (2) Floor rearing (3) shoot rearing. They hatch out in about 8—12 days. 4 b) Explain hatching and brushing of new-born larvae Wet Earthern pot: Well baked earthern pot with a wide mouth about 15� diameter is filled with 2-3� wet sand. In sericulture, the silkworm rearing process begins with the laying of eggs by the female silk moth. The temperature is reduced by 5 to 10%. Disclaimer: Please note that this page also provides links to the websites / web pages of Govt. As the larvae grow, gradually, upper ventilators are opened to � of its size by the end of the second instar. Also, make to keep the Chawki packages of practices totally separate from the late age rearing. This stage is the real feeding stage. Silkworm rearing house: Bangalore Thermal comfort requirement: Chawki room: 25 to 28 deg C with 70-90% RH Rearing room: 23 to 25 deg C with 70-80% RH Non … For more information and related videos visit us on http://www.digitalgreen.org/ Cocoon production cost reduced and crops will be synchronized. Early age rearing/ Chawki rearing The life cycle of silkworm consists of egg, larva, pupa (cocoon) and adult stages. Spread the bed half an hour before feeding for drying. improvement in cocoon production, scientific method of young instar ( Chawki) silkworm rearing is important. The qualitative and quantitative requirements of the feed for silkworms differ at different stages of larval period. Ends are closed and stapled. A season specific silkworm rearing technology suitable for agro-climatic condition of West Bengal has been developed. Chawki Rearing. However, follow the following instruction while Chawki rearing as indicated below… High-Quality Eggs: Use Disease-free and high-quality eggs for the optimum production. These eggs (laid on a paper/cardboard sheet) are then disinfected with the help of a 2% formalin solution. formaldehyde gas up to 1 %, 0.02% of . Conditions of mulberry growth, yield of mulberry leaf, quality of mulberry leaves and time of availability. The quantity of dusting of different bed disinfectants for 100 dfls is around 50g after 1st moult and 100g after 2nd moult. A feeding bed is prepared on a rearing tray by sprinkling chopped mulberry leaves onto it. Ministries/Departments/Organisations. A total of ripened worms can be mounted in each set. used for disinfection, transpo rtation cost, mulberry lea f co st (Lakshmanan and Geethadevi 200 5). 100:50:50 kg NPK/ha (in 2 equal split doses), Annual : After establishment of the garden. 16. Silkworm rearing, Chawki is considered as one of the important stages from which a successful cocoon crop is ensured. Identification of silkworm pests and their life stages. The experiment was conducted using a multi X Bi silkworm hybrid, PM x CSR 2. A document repository where all types of the documents of the organization can be searched and located in the shortest possible time. Farmers are however, adopting methodology depending upon availability of space, infrastructure what they have and can afford as per their economic condition. a. Chawki Rearing: Rearing of young age silk worms is called Chawki rearing. These eggs (laid on a paper/cardboard sheet) are then disinfected with the help of a 2% formalin solution. 14. From hatching to its full-grown stage, the silk worms pass through five instars and the worms up to stage two are called young age worms or chawki. Rearing of Mulberry Silkworm Rearing house (for 200-250dfls.) Plant spacing: The plant spacing of 60 x 60 cm can be adopted. 19. (1) Tray rearing, (2) Floor rearing (3) shoot rearing. Conducting late age silkworm rearings with good chawki reared worms will lead to good cocoon production. on the onset of �eye-spot� or �black head� stage. 17. Precautionary measures during the rearing of young larvae: Standard Chart for young age silkworm rearing (100Dfls larvae). The rearing room activity starts with brushing of newly hatched silkworms. The standard size of the outer wall is 6� x 4� x 3�, while that of inner wall should be 4� x 2� x 3�. Complete one strategy that is silkworm bombyx mori is the land jan 8 h. Ii. Clean the bed using net. Leaves – It was selected and feed on the 3 rd or 4 th from the top leaves, next 6 th to 7 th leaves are used to rear the young age worms, size of leaves must be chopped to 0.5 sq.cm to 1 sq.cm. 3. a) Explain the methods of Eri silkworm rearing. Incubation of Silkworm Eggs and Chawki Worm Rearing. In the rearing room, the air is polluted by CO 2 from silkworm rearers, mulberry leaves, formaldehyde gas, ammonia and sulphurdioxide. Late age rearing Rearing of fourth and fifth instar worms is called as late age worm rearing. The study was conducted in 100 CRCs of six traditional sericultural districts of Karnataka with the objective of understanding the constraints faced by CRC entrepreneurs in adoption of recommended technologies. Silkworm litter should not be thrown in the rearing room. Package of Practices for Chawki Mulberry Gardens in Tropics. From hatching to its full-grown stage, the silk worms pass through five instars and the worms up to stage two are called young age worms or chawki. The duration of larval period form hatching to spinning is about 26 days. Maintenance of absolute hygienic conditions. During this course, they pass through five larval instars intervened by four moults, cocoon and pupal stage. This stage of larvae requires ideal environmental conditions, tender mulberry leaves. Young caterpillars are of greenish-yellow in colour with black spots. Silkworm rearing, Chawki is considered as one of the important stages from which a successful cocoon crop is ensured. This has social impact on villagers. After two hours, worms are transferred to another tray. Week - VI. 1. Effects of sinusoidal magnetic fields on chawki silkworm rearing have been studied. Though Here worms are reared upto third moult and distributed to the rearers for late age rearing. Hence, chawki is the most crucial period of silkworm rearing that demands optimum temperature and humidity, hygienic conditions, quality tender leaf, good rearing facilities and above all technical skills. However, most of the farmers do not have a separate chawki rearing room. After establishment of chawki garden, organic manure vermicompost @ 10 MT/ha/year and inorganic fertilisers in the form of NPK were applied @200:150:150 kg/ha/year in two equal split doses (in February and August) annually 30 days before the onset of rearing. Brushing is the separation of newly hatched larvae from their egg shells and transferring them to rearing... Brushing is usually starts at 10 am when peak hatching occurs. Feeding of nutritious tender leaves. To maintain the ideal temperature, humidity and hygiene during incubation, several techniques are recommended; The chamber is constructed using brick and mortar. Typically, 300-500 eggs are obtained from one female silk moth. Temperature/humidity should be kept 1�C less viz., 26�C and RH 65-70%. Similarly, larvae reared with chawki method were found higher shell weight (1.5g) than direct method of rearing. After half an hour the worms are tapped on the rearing bed in the tray and 0.5 sq.cm cut tender leaves are fed. larval period. 5 b) Explain the different types of mountages used for spinning of cocoons. Robust and disease free growth of the worms. 5 4. a) Draw a plan of Chawki rearing house for 5000 dfls/crop of silkworm. Similarly, larvae reared with chawki method were found higher shell weight (1.5g) than direct method of rearing. Chopped leaves should be fed to worms for uniform growth. The bottom and top most trays will serve as dummy trays leaving 12 trays for rearing 300 dfls at the rate of 25 dfls per tray. For acid treated bivoltine eggs a minimum of 60 hrs of black boxing and for hibernating eggs 72 hrs of black boxing is required. Pruning: Annual basal cut at 30 cm above the ground, preferably during the onset of the monsoon. Spacing: Overcrowding of the silkworms in the early stage leads to sizing and poor growth. All methods aim to prevent drying of mulberry leaves fed by maintaining proper temperature silkworm in direct and chawki rearing method were 10.5 and 12.0g, respectively (Fig. Extraction of oil from silkworm pupae; Features of silkworm rearing house ,working out the rearing plan and rearing space requirement for rearing based on mulberry area; Feeding of chawki worms and care during rearing. Increase in number of harvests and maintenance of vigor of the plants may suitably adjusted by adoption of yearly 4 prunings and 12 leaf harvests schedule. Stop feeding when about 90% of larvae settle for moult. Concept of chawki rearing: To raise a healthy stock of silkworms the system of chawki rearing must be quite effective: Maintenance of optimum temperature/relative humidity. Ensuring uniform embryonic growth and good hatching. Separate footwear should be used inside the rearing rooms. It is generally established that the young age silkworms require mulberry leaf of higher succulence, moisture and nutrient contents, the late age worms feed on coarser leaf with less moisture content. PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, Minni Sastry and others published Solar passive silkworm rearing house | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Keep the trays in criss-cross condition for 30 minutes before feeding to allow fresh air. Disease-free layings were reared from hatching to cocooning and by subjecting first and second instar to three magnetic field frequencies: 0.1, 1.0, and 10 Hz at 1500 nT, pp, for six days at six hours per day. Wet foam pads are to be placed all around the layings and covered with paraffin paper. late age rearing 3B. Week - VII. Three feeding schedule viz., 6 am, 2 pm and 10 pm should be followed. A CRC for brushing 5000-6000 dfls per batch consists of a High Humid season: Open type of Shelf Rearing. Recommendation For Chawki Rearing: Method of Rearing: Low Humid Season: Box rearing . Explain harvesting, transportation and preservation of mulberry leaves for chawki "rearing. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Leaf harvesting and preservation: The leaves to be harvested will be from below the largest glossy leaf which is yellowish green in color. By adopting the chawki rearing technology, farmers get 5-6 kg more cocoon yield compared to doing self chawki rearing. In sericulture, the silkworm rearing process begins with the laying of eggs by the female silk moth. When heater is used to increase the temperature, the power consumption is very less as the heater is on, only for few hours per day as compared to continuous functioning outside the chamber. Generally for control of fungal diseases spraying of 0.2% Bavistin (Carbendazim) with 15 days safe period and for control of nematode infestation, soil application of Furadon 3G at 6-7 kg/0.4 ha with 45 days of safe period and for control of pests, spraying of 0.1% Metasystax can be employed. Effects of sinusoidal magnetic fields on chawki silkworm rearing have been studied. The isolation chamber can easily satisfy the average farmer as it can easily be accommodated inside his dwelling house. Silkworm hybrid. silkworm in direct and chawki rearing method were 10.5 and 12.0g, respectively (Fig. The cardinal point is shoot tips should not be removed during any leaf harvest. Stop feeding when above 90% worms settle for moult and resume when 95% worms comes out of moult. Before entering the rearing room, where chawki worms are reared, hands should be washed. 30 t/ha/yr (in 2 equal split doses), after each base cut, During establishment of the garden (in 2 split doses), (in 4 equal split doses after each pruning). Among these four stages, larval stage is the only feeding and active stage. Rearing of silkworms 3A. Unnecessary opening the doors should be avoided since it affects the uniform maintenance of temperature and humidity and also increases the chances of contamination of dust and pathogens. Care is followed upto 3rd instar. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Rearing of young age silkworms up to 2nd moult is called as chawki rearing. Maintenance of optimum temperature/relative humidity. The silkworm rearing programme in a farm is determined by the following considerations. Over a hundred rearers mostly belonging to scheduled caste category attended the sessions. Two circular ventilators of 7 dia size in the roof of the chamber with sliding doors and uzi proof mesh fixed. Brushing:. Silkworm Rearing. Write the characterstics of late age mulberry Silkworm. Select first glossy leaf from the top of branch for 1st feeding at the time of brushing and with the advancement in larval age the first 3-4 tender leaves can be used.