The Freiburg citizens have excellent access to leisure-time and outdoors activities in the Schwarzwald and Vosges Mts., Jura and the Swiss and Austrian Alps. Theoretical knowledge, professional competence and scientific work are imparted in studies and teaching in Freiburg from the first semester onwards. Weitere Infos. Sinologie (Einschreibung ab WS 2011/2012) 2-HF-BA Chinesisch (mit Option Lehramt) ... Why pursue an MA in Modern China Studies in Freiburg? : +49 (0)761 -203-6396 At the University of Freiburg, the "Bachelor's Degree Programs" in geography encompass a broad-based foundation in geographic thought and analysis, including natural and social science perspectives. Online Anfrage Contents. The University of Freiburg is a medium-size, research-oriented university located in southwestern Germany, with a very high living standard, multicultural environment at the border of Germany, Switzerland and France. The Master Program Modern China Studies has a strong emphasis on academic research. All Freiburg University students as well as EUCOR (European Confederation of Universities on the Upper Rhine) students and registrated guests (limited rights) are automatically registered for an Uni-Account through matriculation. Frühlingssemester 2021. Was erwartet mich in meinem Wunschfach? Alle Infos und Details zur Immatrikulation. Studium Hier geht es zu Ihrem Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um das Studium: Eine kurze Zusammenstellung des Fachs Kognitionswissenschaft an der Uni Freiburg und unserer Abteilung finden Sie hier . I. Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate School Humanities Doctoral Research Group "Das Christentum und die anderen monotheistischen Weltreligionen: Geschichte und Begegnung" Hermann Paul School of Linguistics … The University of Freiburg takes part in the following doctoral programs providing a focused research program and a structured training strategy for doctoral candidates. 2 pages). Mineralogy and Geochemistry is one of the four elective tracks of the M.Sc. The University of Freiburg. Mit einem Studium in der nachhaltigen und grünen Schwarzwaldmetropole Freiburg werden Sie Teil einer der besten Universitäten Deutschlands: 290 Studiengänge bereiten Sie darauf vor, künftigen gesellschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen bestmöglich vorbereitet zu begegnen. Legal Advice - For enrolled students only - Legal Advice of the SWFR Tuesdays between 13.30 and 17.00 An appointment by mail is absolutely necessary! belongs to a group of fairly successful websites. A university degree program – what is it? VWA-Hochschule für berufsbegleitendes Studium. French King Louis XIV disliked the Austrian system and gave the Jesuits a free hand to operate the university. Mineralogie - Petrologie . We claim to be among the national and international leaders in the medical sciences. With special consideration of the current situation and in order to avoid individual hardship for students who, through no fault of their own, have got into an emergency situation after starting their studies due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it is possible to apply for (partial) waiver, deferment or refund of tuition fees for summer semester 2020 and/or winter semester 20/21. : +49 (0)761 -203-6396 : 0761 203 3537, eMail: Navigation. Nähere Informationen finden Sie in diesem Flyer. Studieren an der Uni Freiburg. Study plan for winter semester 2020 Registration for examinations. Albertstr. Uni Freiburg - 203 Studiengänge - Studis Online Neben den zahlreichen Beratungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie im Service Center Studium in Anspruch nehmen können, sind die Studierendenservices ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Aufgaben: Immatrikulation, Rückmeldung und Beurlaubung sind nur einige Services des Studierendensekretariats. Die UniCross-Redaktion hat einen Überblick für alle erstellt, die durch die Corona-Krise Schwierigkeiten mit der Studienfinanzierung haben. Alles zur Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und ihren 203 Studiengängen. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Economics an der Uni Freiburg? Schauen Sie vorbei! Get information and get advice from the mentioned offices! Studieren an der Uni Freiburg. Scientists from the University Freiburg Medical Centre, the University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics team up in a consortium that explores basic epigenetic mechanisms in cellular assays and explorative mouse models, validation of epigenetic control in animal models of disease, and translation of epigenetic principles to clinical applications. Master of Arts in Marketing: ab Herbstsemester 2021. Select All/None Collage Page Event File Folder. Enrollment is subject to a re-registration block for SoSe 2021, which will be lifted as soon as these documents are available.Further Information, With special consideration of the current situation and in order to avoid individual hardship for students who, through no fault of their own, have got into an emergency situation after starting their studies due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it is possible to apply for (partial) waiver, deferment or refund of tuition fees for summer semester 2020 and/or winter semester 20/21. Kristallographie - Hermann-Herder-Str. 2002-2008 Emmy Noether Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, Freiburg; 2000-2002 Postdoc at the Centro de Biologia Molecular „Severo Ochoa“, Madrid, Spain; 1995-1999 PhD thesis in Molecular Immunology, University Freiburg; 1988-1994 Diploma studies in Biochemistry, Free University Berlin and Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel Guideline University Freiburg PDF; Guideline University Bangor PDF; Guideline University Eastern Finland; Guideline BOKU, Vienna PDF; Consortium partners will - whenever appropriate - ensure joint supervision of the thesis work in Canada and European Union (EU). The “Green City” Freiburg in southwest Germany is known worldwide for its historic old town, the Black Forest mountains, its recreational value, its high environmental standards and of course for the Albert-Ludwigs-University. Search results 307 items matching your search terms. Its long history teaching across sciences and humanities subjects has earned its reputation as one of Germany’s elite universities worldwide. Bewerbung und Beratung; B.A. The M.Sc. Freiburg students who are currently interested in or wish to apply for a stay … We will gladly accept your documents by regular mail. 23b . English; Deutsch; Student Service Center. Zentrum Klinische Studien Elsässer Straße 2 79110 Freiburg Telefon 0761 270-77780 Telefax 0761 270-73770 The University of Freiburg is among the oldest and most renowned in Germany and is ranked among the best. Anmelden Online-Anmeldung für Bachelor- und Masterstudium. Bleiben Sie gesund. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. In 1679, Freiburg temporarily became French territory, along with the southern parts of the upper Rhine. Seit dem WiSe 2019/20 wird außerdem der lehramtsbezogene Studiengang Master of Education angeboten. : +49 (0)761 -203-6396 : +49 (0)761 203-4246 Office hours: Mo - Thu 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and Tues and Thu 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Matriculation at a glance Service Center Studium Tel. It plays a vital role in consolidating the basic infrastructure for a successful course of study, outstanding research, and exceptional teaching. Januar 2021 findet der 9. Please see the University of Freiburg pages for information on Coronavirus related policies. You are here: Home. Unfortunately, the University of Freiburg does not currently offer any financial support or scholarships for our Master's degree program. It represents them and their political, social, and cultural interests. Tel. Applied Period Presentations by MScEF students . während der Corona-Pandemie ist das Service Center Studium weiterhin für Sie da und unterstützt sie in der Studienorientierung und -administration und berät Sie bei allen Fragen rund um Studium und Universität.Persönliche Beratung und Rücksprache sind sehr gerne nach vorheriger Terminvergabe per E-Mail, per Telefon oder ggfs. Important: Individual deadlines concerning the formal application as erasmus-exchange student at host university: You have to register in the host universities. Die Studiengänge am Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik zeichnen sich durch ein hochwertiges Lehrangebot aus. Awarded for its excellence in both research and teaching, the university also boasts a long history, with numerous Nobel laureates. Mit einem Studium in der nachhaltigen und grünen Schwarzwaldmetropole Freiburg werden Sie Teil einer der besten Universitäten Deutschlands: 290 Studiengänge bereiten Sie darauf vor, künftigen gesellschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen bestmöglich vorbereitet zu begegnen. belongs to a group of fairly successful websites. The University of Freiburg (colloquially German: Uni Freiburg), ... Studium Gallicum. Physik (start WS 2020 and later, German version only) Modulhandbuch B.Sc. The M.Sc. It has partnerships with top universities, research institutions, and businesses around the world and offers a cosmopolitan atmosphere in one of Germany's most charming cities. Studieninteressierte: Hilfe bei der Studienwahl 2020. It includes courses in theory and methods, topic-oriented courses, language classes, a module that prepares for teaching, research or jobs outside academia, colloquia and one semester abroad. Studieninteressierte Sie interessieren Sich für ein rechtswissenschaftliches Studium an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg? Read news digest here: view the latest Studium Uni Freiburg articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. Studium Das Institut für Sinologie bietet gegenwärtig einen B.A. Please note that you must transfer the obligatory semester fee of 161 EUR in due time even if you apply for a deferment or waiver of tuition fees!More information. Chair of Environmental Hydrological Systems Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg Friedrichstraße 39 D-79098 Freiburg Fon: +49 (0)761 - 203 67436 Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie den obligatorischen Semesterbeitrag (Studierendenwerks-, Studierendenschafts- und Verwaltungskostenbeitrag) i.H.v. Administrative fees currently amount to €155/semester. Direkten Kontakt vor Ort müssen wir jedoch weiterhin vermeiden. Informienen Sie sich und lassen Sie sich bei den genannten Stellen beraten! Student Services offers approximately four thousand two hundred student rooms in Freiburg and the surrounding areas of Offenburg, Furtwangen, Kehl and Villingen-schwenningen. 161 EUR auch dann rechtzeitig überweisen müssen, wenn Sie einen Antrag auf Stundung oder Erlass der Studiengebühr stellen!Weitere Infos, Informationen und Services für das Studium, Austauschprogramme und Auslandsaufenthalte, Studieren mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung, Fach- und Hochschulwechsel, Studienplatztausch, Mutterschutz für schwangere und stillende Studentinnen, Hochschulzugang für beruflich Qualifizierte / mit Fachhochschulreife, Informationen und Services für das Studium — Service Center Studium,,,, Building and maintaining local connections in times of the pandemic 4) Maintaining physical and psychological well-being. They offer a top-quality education in innovative fi elds and guarantee a great learning atmosphere. Freiburg students who have been nominated for an exchange in 2020: Please get in touch with your contact person at the International Office. Service Center Studium Sedanstraße 6 79098 Freiburg. Freiburg University has created an MSc program that caters to the demands of this growing discipline. Info. The Neuroscience master program at Freiburg University unites teaching expertise at the faculties of biology, engineering, and behavioral sciences and economics to offer a coherent course program that provides the training needed by the next generation neuroscientists. “The University of Freiburg warmly invites you to take part in our English-Taught Programs! We have compiled … Deferment, waiver and reimbursement of tuition fees. Fakultätskarrieretag für Rechtswissenschaften als Online-Veranstaltung statt. There are single apartments and dormitory rooms available. 23b . The University of Freiburg – Over 560 years of academic excellence. 79104 Freiburg . You should be sent information via the online system of EU-office, however, it will be best to google the individual registration deadlines of your host very early, so that you can become proactive in case of delays. The University of Freiburg Faculty of Medicine (German Medizinische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) is the medical school and dental school of the University of Freiburg and forms university's biomedical research unit together the University Medical Center Freiburg.The faculty was founded in 1457 as one of Germany's oldest and is regarded among its most distinguished. Filter the results. per Videocall möglich. We ask all students to transfer the regular semester fees (161 euros) and the international student fees (1500 euros) so together (1661 euros) if possible, as cash or EC card payment is not possible at the moment. Die Immatrikulation erfolgt mit einer Rückmeldesperre zum SoSe 2021, die aufgehoben wird, sobald diese Unterlagen vorliegen.Weitere Informationen, Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Lage und um individuelle Härten bei Studierenden zu vermeiden, die nach Aufnahme des Studiums durch die Covid-19-Pandemie unverschuldet in eine Notlage geraten sind, besteht die Möglichkeit einen Antrag auf (Teil)Erlass, Stundung oder Rückerstattung der Studiengebühren für SoSe 2020 und/oder WS 20/21 zu stellen. At the Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg, the medical sciences are advanced in international competition, thereby contributing to the improvement of medical care for the population in close cooperation with the Medical Center - University of Freiburg. Modulhandbuch B.Sc. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Service Center Studium. Was macht das Unistudium aus? The Student Government is the representative body of the University of Freiburg’s students and matriculated doctoral candidates. visit the most interesting Studium Uni Freiburg pages, well-liked by users from Germany, or check the rest of data is a popular web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. UCF offices are closed to the public, including students. Semester schedule . Students love our accommodation because of the inexpensive rent, sport and recreational facilities and the unique atmosphere they all have to offer. Alles zur Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und ihren 203 Studiengängen. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Service Center Studium – International Admissions and Services Sedanstr. The University of Freiburg was founded in 1457 as a classical comprehensive university, making it one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Germany. Mineralogie - Petrologie . Studiengänge mit Studienbeginn Wintersemester an der Uni Freiburg Studienbeginn Wintersemester an der Uni Freiburg - Studis Online Die schlauen Seiten rund ums Studium Montag - Donnerstag 8 - 16:30 Uhr Freitag 8 - 16 Uhr Beratung rund um Klinische Studien. -programme Environmental Governance (MEG) was established in 2005 to train leaders to be able to reconcile different social perspectives with regard to the sustainable use of environmental resources as a basis for sustainable development - for any development, at any scale from local to global, and in any context worldwide. 23b . bitte beachten Sie, dass eine persönliche Immatrikulation zurzeit nicht möglich ist. Unofficial Translation: Excerpt from the Admissions Regulations of the University of Freiburg for the Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Degree Program. Tuition fees. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. A young and dedicated team of teachers with an international reputation for research and experience abroad. 6 79098 Freiburg Tel. Fragen? Antworten! Kontakt Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften. The University of Freiburg is the fifth oldest university in Germany. For further information please contact The statutes for application and admission to the program can be found here . +49 (0) 761 / 203 6440 - sek.krist(at) Anmelden Quelle: Studium — Kristallographie & Materialwissenschaften International students have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship at various institutions: For example, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), denominational or party-affiliated foundations, or business-oriented organizations. Mineralogie - Petrologie . - für Studierende der Uni Freiburg - Michael Wenzel Service Center Studium Sedanstr. Studiengang Sinologie, einen Polyvalenten Zwei-Hauptfächer-Studiengang Chinesisch sowie einen englischsprachigen Master-Studiengang Modern China Studies an.